Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gunnar's First Day of PreSchool!!!

Like I said before it's so hard for me to believe that our little Gunnar is already going to can he be almost 3 1/2 already? Boo hoo...
But I have to say that he 100 %, totally shocked me with how his first day went. I had prepared myself for a very difficult drop off on Tuesday (September 9th to be exact...).
 But let's start with the rest of the day...
We got up and got Ashton off to school, then went for a short walk (Gunnar in the stroller), then came home, I got showered and had to go volunteer in Ashton's class, hurried home to start getting Gunnar ready for lunch, then school. I told him we could make lunch at home or I'd take him to McDonald's for his first day. He quickly chose McDonald's...Obviously. I was glad I had that to dangle in front of him while I tried to get him dressed.
 Lately I wonder how in the world I forgot this frustrating stage of trying to get a 3 1/2 year old dressed (in cute clothes) and out of the house!!! Really it wasn't that long ago with Ashton! Anyway Gunnar these days ONLY wants to wear his oversized green kickball shirt and one of two pairs of black atheltic shorts. Well 3 year olds as we all know, don't stay very clean, so generally these items are dirty and need to be washed. Oh the fits when he can't wear these certain things or a few other choice things!
Oh and did I mention that up until that day he had decided he didn't need to wear underwear anymore? For about 2 weeks he hadn't been wearing them. Wouldn't. So on Monday I decided I'd go get him some boxer shorts and see if he'd like them better. Thank goodness he loves them! Oh and just a cute little thing he said when he first put them on..."The top part looks like a cupcake Mommy." (more like a cupcake holder...but cute:)
I had planned on this being the hardest part of our day, but I gave him 3 choices of shirts and a couple choices of shorts and he actually did pretty well & got dressed pretty quickly with my McDonald's encouragement :) So off we went to lunch after we took a few pictures of course...
Love his new backpack:)
Then it was almost 1:00 so it was time. I could tell he was getting nervous. So was I for him and for me if I had to leave him there crying. But we got there and I walked him in and at first he was saying he didn't want to go, but I showed him around, showed him where to hang up his backpack...
 ...and took his kleenex box to his cubby, (his animal is the giraffe:)...
 ...introduced him to his teachers and tried to get him to sit down at one of the little tables and play with the blocks or playdough.
Well he wasn't having it as I expected.
Then Laurie...the owner came over and started talking to him about the fish and telling him that he could help name them and he actually took her hand and followed her over to the tank, so I figured I better make my exit.
I so wanted to give him a big hug and a kiss, but I knew he would just want me to keep staying and I really wanted him to not I left. Got in my car and cried, thinking that as soon as he realized I was gone that he would be crying. The whole time. And just not believing I just dropped my baby off at his first day of preschool :(
So I worried about him the whole 2 hours, then went and picked him up. I walked out to their little playground that they get to play on before it's time to come home and when he saw me, he ran to me with the biggest smile on his face and jumped in my arms! I asked him how it was and he said "Good" and started to tell me how he got to paint a rainbow and "I didn't even cry at all Mommy!" Like I said I was so shocked! This little boy who is SO attached to me...he did it and was so proud of himself for not crying!
So other than locking the keys in the car while I was picking him up, it turned out to be a great first day! (thanks for saving us Lindee...oh and taking this picture of us before we left :)
This pretty much says it all :) 
Oh and when we all finally got home and he got to see Ashton he ran up to him and said "Ask me how my first day of preschool was Ashton!" And then was so excited to tell him all about it :)

1 comment:

Susan O. said...

I am SOOOO happy that both Ashton and Gunnar love school :) You got super cute pictures as always and I love reading all about it. :) Kelli helped me finally get into your blog with the new google crazy confusing stuff and I hope I don't have to keep asking you for invites each month now. :)