Sunday, October 14, 2012

Harry Potter...

I hear a lot about Harry Potter these days. Ashton finished the first book a couple weeks ago!
We were so proud of him...he absolutely loved it and can't stop talking about it.
That weekend after he finished it, we borrowed the movie from a friend and watched it. He was on the edge of his seat the whole time and it was so fun to hear him keep saying he remember this part or that part from the book.
 He started the second book and is about 4 chapters in.
 I love to see him loving reading!


Cassidy said...

This might be quite nerdy but i am so giddy for him!! I love where the book takes you! Love harry potter! ha i just embarrassed myself but Good for him to be reading and loving it!!!

Susan O. said...

I bet being around him, Gunnar can't wait til he is old enough to read Harry Potter :)