Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Weekend at Grandma & Grandpa Harry's...

I decided kind of last minute to take the boys up to stay in Wyoming for part of our fall break. I picked them up from school last Wednesday with the car all packed up and ready to go and we headed out. We hadn't been since Memorial weekend!
We used to go a lot more often when the boys were little and we didn't have to worry about school and church classes etc...It's a lot harder now to find a good time to head up for a few days and I knew we wouldn't get another chance for awhile.
Anyway it was a fun weekend. The boys were entertained the whole time and played so good together.
Gunnar had lots of fun helping Grandma feed the horses on Thursday morning.
 He was a little intimidated at first and wanted me right next to him, but then he got used to being surrounded by them...
Ashton came out after awhile, but was more interested in playing on the swingset. He and Gunnar loved this swing and were pretending it was the Harry Potter train of course.
They always have lots of fun playing with all of the old toys my Mom kept around from when I was little.
Especially the legos this time...
 This time with the help of Grandma, Ashton even taught himself how to play the Star Wars theme song on the piano! Now he wants to take lessons.
Thursday afternoon we all went to town and let the boys play at the park for an hour or so...
...then went to our favorite mexican restaurant for dinner. 
Friday morning I was able to meet up with my friend and old beauty school roommate Jody for a late breakfast. We ended up chatting for 2 hours catching up at this new place in town called Jody's...haha :)
Anyway, I was so glad we went and had a nice visit. Thanks Grandma and Aunt Kelli for helping out with the boys!
We got home about 6:00 Friday night and spent the rest of the weekend just hanging out at home mostly.

1 comment:

Susan O. said...

I'm SOOO Glad you got to come up again! :)
