Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Valentines Day...

 I love that Ashton and Gunnar look forward to Valentines day almost as much as any other holiday. They get so excited about taking valentines to their classmates and bringing a bunch home. But mostly I think they've grown to love the little heart treasure hunt I do for them every year.
 I was looking back through pictures and realized I started doing it when Gunnar was a baby.
 He especially loves it and talks about it all through the year.
So I think I'll continue to do it until they beg me not to :)
This year they went from heart to heart until it led them downstairs to their Valentines hidden in the tv stand. A little bit of candy and a new pair of shoes :)
Ashton's didn't fit quite right, so I took his back and got a different pair.
Anyway they had fun with it, then we did our traditional heart shaped french toast with strawberries, then got Ashton ready for school.
Cute cards from the boys to Lars, boys to me, and Lars to me :) Gunnar picked
out the funny donut one...
And cute valentines from Grandma :)
This year Ashton chose StarWars valentines with a tootsie pop attached. Gunnar got Ninjago ones with fun dip. They had so much fun a few nights before addressing and signing them all.
(I really hate my point and shoot takes terrible pictures inside!)
Ashton's class made these cute valentine boxes...
 That night we did a candlelight dinner...I made them their favorite homemade macaroni and cheese.
Another fun V-day as they like to call it now :)


Ashley said...

I love the "Valentine's Day Past" picture. The boys are so young. And what a fun tradition. I am sure they will always treasure it.

Susan O. said...

Absolutely love this post and the adorable pictures from the past AND the present. :) You win the award for making Valentines Day the most fun holiday!! :)