Monday, July 14, 2008

Little Gunnar...Not so little anymore

Gunnar is 3 1/2 months old now and already getting so big! He rolled over for the first time about a week ago and is starting to giggle. He's becoming a lot more content most days and is so smiley. We love his big curious blue eyes. I'm a little concerned that he already seems like he can't hold still (just like his Daddy and his brother)...his little legs and arms are constantly moving like Ashton's always were and if you're holding him on your lap he always wants to be standing straight up!


Angie said...

Oh Little Gunnar! I love him so! When I go to the stores I see so many things and I want to buy it all for him! I'll try not to be so crazy. I love my god-son! Thankyou for sharing these precious photos and memories!!! I
love that I can see him whenever I want! I can't wait to hold him and see him in person too this week!
Love ya!

fourballerinas said...

That's exactly how Alyssa was. Always wanted to stand up. WIGGLE WORM!! I was so excited when she could finally crawl so that she could get where she wanted instead of always whinning that she wanted to go. He's so cute!! Great to see pictures.

Lindee said...

yay for blogs! funny though how i'll see more of you through this than by going outside and across the yard! hehe