Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Trying to figure out Blogging!

I so wish that I had started my blog a long time ago! But I'm glad that I've always written in a journal for Ashton and have started one for Gunnar too. This will be so fun to look back on as they get bigger (way too fast!). I think I may actually be able to keep up with it if I get a few things out of the way first. I can't stand to not have things in order, so I'm going to do a little post on Ashton, then one on Gunnar to tell about each of them, then I can get into the "everyday" stuff. It will still drive me crazy that I didn't do that before my other posts, but oh well!

Here goes...

All about Ashton-

Ashton Jeremy is our cute, funny, incredibly smart, inquisitive, non-stop talking, imaginative, sweet (but sometimes naughty) 3 1/2 year old that always keeps us on our toes and keeps us laughing. He was born on January 6, 2005 at 4:17 pm and weighed 7 lbs. 8 0z. and was 20 1/4 inches long. We waited a long time for him and feel so lucky to have him as our little boy. From not long after he was born we could tell that he was going to be a busy boy. He never cared much about being held or who was holding him for that matter-he would go to anyone. But he would rather be sitting in his bouncy seat or swing kicking his legs and watching what everyone was doing. He started talking pretty early and has never stopped since! Oh how we love our little Ashton! What a character!

Sweet baby Gunnar

Oh our sweet little Gunnar Chase. What a blessing he is! Born on March 28, 2008 he came 9 days early, he weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz. and was 20 inches long. Just a little bit smaller than Ashton. He had bright blonde hair about an inch and a half long all around the sides and back, but hardly any on top. Such a little cutie!

For the first 3 weeks he was pretty content, then he started to get pretty fussy. Especially if Mommy wasn't around. I would try to go run errands or something and be gone for an hour, then get a phone call with a screaming Gunnar on the other end. Poor Lars! So I would rush home to calm him down. Luckily he's doing much better now. Lars can hold him for more than 5 minutes before he starts freaking out looking around for me.

I love the look he gives me from across the room when someone else is holding him. He looks at me like "come get me mommy...I want you." Considering that I am the one taking care of him all day and up with him half the night, I think he should prefer me! We definitely have a special and my sweet little boy.

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