Sunday, January 24, 2010

Stuff we don't see everyday...

I just have to post these couple of pictures...
First of all Ashton NEVER falls asleep anywhere but his own bed so I was shocked to look over and see this... an Aggie game we went to last weekend.
I guess he was exhausted from going to bed late the night before!

Then this one is so funny to me because really if you look at Lars (who is 6 ft. 5 inches tall) would you really think he could do this...On ice-skates??

He said he pulled a muscle, so he had to stretch it out. So funny...
I attempted to do the same thing and this is as far as I got and I hurt my leg in the process!


Jody said...

WOW LARS is flexible!! Ashton must have been totally exhausted.. or the game was really boring.! Did you have a great time ice skating?

Angie said...

you are too funny! Love the comparison between you and Lars stretching! And I love it when kids fall asleep in the most unthought of places. Trev fell asleep in a movie theater recently while the movie was still playing. Seriously, how do they do that??

horsehug said...

I think you would hold the Guinness Book World Record for photos of every possible thing or event in your and your kids lives :-) And I'm glad you take so many :-)

Ashley said...

Ah yes, I always remember how flexible Lars is since the time Beth and I saw him stretching that one time when we were visiting you (when you were pregnant with Ashton!) I bet he is 6 foot 9 on skates!

annilee said...

Darling pictures. I love the one of Lars stretching! Especially on ice skates!