Saturday, December 31, 2011


Remember how excited I said Ashton was to start basketball? Well he was REALLY, REALLY excited....more so than he ever has been about starting anything. So we were really looking forward to it and thought he'd really have fun with it. I think he did a little bit at first, but then after the first couple of games he got pretty frustrated because he never got the ball. No one would ever pass to him and therefore he never got a chance to do anything that makes basketball fun, like dribbling the ball down the court or shooting, or making a basket! It was frustrating to watch too, just because it was so blatant how a couple of the kids would pass to eachother or to anyone else but him. I don't blame him for losing interest, but it was sad to see because of how excited he was to sign up.
(This picture of him after the last game pretty much shows exactly how he felt about the whole experience :(...)
So we had signed him up for the junior jazz league that started a couple weeks ago, but before it started he decided he didn't want to we didn't make him. Oh well, maybe next year. Lars even helped coach his team and was going to coach again so hopefully he'll take an interest again. I think at this age it's more fun for him to just go to the rec with Lars and practice and actually get to shoot the ball and play!

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