Monday, December 19, 2011

Never Forget...

To be grateful....

Dear Ashton & Gunnar, you hear me say these words all the time and every night as we say our prayers we thank God for all of our blessings. As you read through this blog book some day years from now, I want you to know how very grateful I am for both of you.
So so thankful that you are my little boys.
So thankful I am blessed enough to be able to stay home with you every day because you have a wonderful Dad who goes to work and really works hard every single day. Even when he doesn't feel like it.
So thankful that you two are healthy and that Daddy and I are as well, so that we can get out and do fun stuff with you.
I am thankful for a nice home to raise you is your favorite place in the world to be and that makes me happy. (even though it's a little frustrating to get you to leave it at times!)
Thankful for the food we have on our table (or a little too often at a restaurant) every night.
Thankful for the car I've had for 10 years that is still running great that I get to drive you around in.
Thankful for so many great friends and family members in our lives.
So many things to be grateful for every day.
Thankful that for the moment you two are running around the basement playing nicely!
I hope that you live your lives in appreciation of all of your blessings and that you never ever forget to be grateful as well as giving to others who may not share
in the same blessings that we do.

Love, Mommy

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