Monday, June 25, 2012

Visit from Grandma & Grandpa in Texas...

A few days before Memorial Weekend Grandpa and Grandma from Texas came to visit and stayed at our house for a night on their way to Wyoming. They did a 2 week road trip and first drove to Montana, then made their way to Utah, then Wyoming, then gradually back home to Texas with a few more stops.
Anyway the boys loved having them here those couple of days and especially loved that they brought their little dog Paisley with them. They really thought it was the greatest thing ever...they couldn't get enough of her!
 We went out to Firehouse the night they arrived, then hung out for awhile in the morning till it was time for them to leave.
 Then we all drove up to Wyoming later that afternoon and stayed a couple nights there.
It was freezing cold and windy the entire time! So there wasn't a whole lot to get out and do, but it's still always nice to go home.
On Sunday we had a little casual Memorial for my Grandpa out on the back patio.
He died 3 years ago and my uncle actually received his ashes back from the University of Utah about 18 months ago, but this was the first time that everyone could get together to do something and get ready to bury his ashes.
After that, we decided to head home.
Fun to see you guys!

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