Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I am so happy to say that Gunnar is absolutely loving kickball this year! Remember last year he was pretty shy and scared and I played all but the very last game with him?
Last Thursday he had his first game and when we got there, he went straight over to his coach and got his new red kickball shirt, then got right into practicing and was so excited to kick the ball, run the bases and go after the balls the other team kicked!
 Cutie :)
 We were so proud of him. He's had one other game since then (yesterday), and all day he asked me if it was almost time for his game and when was he ever going to get to go play kickball??
So glad that he is loving it!
Oh and cute little Amalia is on his team again :)
Half of the excitement is about the treats after the game of course...
Good job Gunnar!


Susan O. said...

obsoac 10I'm so glad he loves it this year!!
Maybe I can come down for a game :)


Susan O. said...

How weird that it left my words it makes you type on my message!