Wednesday, February 27, 2013


When I took Gunnar into the dentist for his 6 month checkup and cleaning a couple weeks ago, they did xrays and I wasn't completely surprised to hear he had 2 cavities. Our little sugar lover!
So today I took him back in to get them filled. I didn't really explain to him anything about what they were going to do, I just told him that we had to go back to the dentist to get rid of his cavitites. Anyway he got right up in the chair and he did so good!
The dentist just put the laughing gas on him and didn't do shots to numb them at all and got busy drilling them out. Gunnar didn't even flinch! I watched him the whole time, especially his hands to see if he would clench them or anything and he didn't even move. I was so proud of him and the dentist and his assistants couldn't believe how well he did.
Good job Gunnar!
Now hopefully we won't have any more cavities...someone needs to cut back on the treats ;)
(I didn't take any pictures today...this is just a recent one of him getting ready to go out and play in the snow :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

A very snowy run!

I'm trying to once again be more consistent with my exercising after being so sick for weeks, then surgery last month. So Gunnar and I went for a walk/run every day but Monday this week and I was looking forward to a run by myself this morning. So when I got up I looked outside and was glad to see it hadn't snowed, so I got my running clothes on and opened the garage and got ready to head out. Of course by that time it had started to snow lightly. But it wasn't super cold, so I decided to go anyway and at first it was fun to run in the light snow.
Well after about 10 minutes it started coming down HARD! So hard that I could hardly see and it had the roads and me completely covered! I kept wiping off my sunglasses, but it was like windshield wipers that wouldn't work, so I just tried to look down and ran as quickly as I could to get back home without falling. My face and neck hurt so bad from the pelting snow by the time I got home.
I knocked on the door and told Gunnar to go get Lars to take a picture...
I'm sure people thought I was crazy as they drove by me!
It hasn't stopped snowing all day since then...
I'm so looking forward to running in nice weather.

Ski Day!

We decided to finally go skiing on Sunday...we hadn't been since we took Ashton for his first time 2 years ago, and that was just night skiing for a couple hours. So really Lars and I hadn't been skiing for almost 7 years! Since on our 6 year anniversary when I fell getting off the lift and hurt my tailbone really bad.
So this was obviously Gunnar's first time. It snowed as we were driving up to Beaver Mtn., so we thought it might be a miserable day in the snow, but once we got there it mostly cleared out and was a beautiful day! We got the boys skis rented and had Ashton do a lesson, so he got started with that at 10:00 while Lars and I helped Gunnar down at the magic carpet hill. Or "magical"carpet as Gunnar kept calling it :)
At first we didn't have the little rope thing that connects the front of his skis and I wondered if he was going to be frustrated and crying all day, but as soon as we got that attached, he took off and did great all day! It's amazing how quickly they pick things up. And he LOVED it! He went down that little hill over and over and over all day, and got to where he could get himself on and off of the magic carpet easily by himself too.
To say Ashton loved it would be a huge understatement! After his lesson, Lars and I took turns riding the lift and skiing down little Beaver with him...
He did great!

I was so nervous the first couple times getting off the lift after hurting myelf so bad the last time we went. But then I got used to it and was fine. Of course Ashton had no fear of any of it...
It snowed off and on during the day...
But it was mostly nice and perfect snow...
Halfway through the day, we took a break for lunch in the lodge...
Lots of friends from our church were there, so we had our friend Gio take a picture :)
We had such a fun day and both Ashton and Gunnar are already begging to go back. That night as I was tucking Gunnar into bed he said "Mom, do you think we can be a skiing family now?" haha :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Valentines Day...

 I love that Ashton and Gunnar look forward to Valentines day almost as much as any other holiday. They get so excited about taking valentines to their classmates and bringing a bunch home. But mostly I think they've grown to love the little heart treasure hunt I do for them every year.
 I was looking back through pictures and realized I started doing it when Gunnar was a baby.
 He especially loves it and talks about it all through the year.
So I think I'll continue to do it until they beg me not to :)
This year they went from heart to heart until it led them downstairs to their Valentines hidden in the tv stand. A little bit of candy and a new pair of shoes :)
Ashton's didn't fit quite right, so I took his back and got a different pair.
Anyway they had fun with it, then we did our traditional heart shaped french toast with strawberries, then got Ashton ready for school.
Cute cards from the boys to Lars, boys to me, and Lars to me :) Gunnar picked
out the funny donut one...
And cute valentines from Grandma :)
This year Ashton chose StarWars valentines with a tootsie pop attached. Gunnar got Ninjago ones with fun dip. They had so much fun a few nights before addressing and signing them all.
(I really hate my point and shoot takes terrible pictures inside!)
Ashton's class made these cute valentine boxes...
 That night we did a candlelight dinner...I made them their favorite homemade macaroni and cheese.
Another fun V-day as they like to call it now :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013


A couple months ago, a lady from our church asked me if we would be willing to be interviewed and be the family featured in our upcoming church newsletter, The Mustard Seed.
I love reading about the family that is featured each time we get the newsletter, so I said sure.
It was fun to have her come over and get to know her better as she asked us all sorts of questions about our family.

Then a few weeks ago we got the newsletter in the mail. So I'm finally getting around to scanning it in and posting it. Here is the article she wrote, other than changing how we worded a few things, she did a great job and said some really nice things :)
The second page...

I had to ask Lars what affable meant...haha, and he wasn't sure either!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Another beautiful new baby :)

I got to take pictures of this sweet 11 day old baby today for a friend of mine from church.
Lucille Marie :)
She is adorable and was so good for her whole session!
We got a few with her big sisters...she is the 4th girl!
And a little announcement I made up for fun :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hyrum Ice Fishing tournament...

We wanted to go to the Sulphur Creek ice fishing tournament like we have lots of times in the past, but since Lars is coaching Ashton's basketball team this year, we had to be back by 4:00 and that wouldn't have worked if we were in Evanston.
So there happened to be a tournament in Hyrum on the same day this year and it's only about 10 minutes from our house, so we decided to enter it this year.
It was really cold when we got there before the sun popped up while we were waiting around for 8:00 when we could start fishing, but as soon as the sun came out it got really nice.
 Wearing my lucky pink coat & holding up my lucky pink ice fishing rod & pink jig :) 
We ended up catching over 30 fish all day, and had a guy measure one that was 1/2 an inch shy of being big enough to qualify at 14 1/2 inches long.
Other than that, not a single fish was big enough to measure!
Oh was so fun to get out and we caught more than anyone else around us. At one point a little boy came over and said "'s me and my Dad's first time ice-fishing and he wanted me to ask you what you're using?" haha...
Too bad lots of them were little guys like this...
It got really foggy for a little while, I think it looks so cool in the picture of Lars.
Nana and Papa came to stay and watch the boys for the day. Hunter came with them, so they all had a fun day going to McDonald's and the fun park.
I'm glad we got to go...I've only been out one other time this year right before Christmas and all of the sickness!

Aggie game...

While Lars was gone to Wendover, I took the boys and Ashton's little friend Jace to the Aggie basketball game. Some of our friends offered the tickets to us, so we took them and went. They were great seats and it was a lot of fun!
 Mostly because I ran into an old friend from my Copper Rivet days and ended up talking to her for half of the had been way too long since we'd seen eachother and it was fun to catch up.
And the game got pretty close and exciting at the end, so we were all on our feet cheering!
Good way to break up the night while Lars was gone :)

The big 38!

Lars turned 38 on January 24th...he had to work that day, but we got up and made him breakfast then took him to dinner at Kabuki that night. It was fun!
 The boys love watching the guy cook the food in front of us & the food is really good.
Gunnar was a little disappointed when I told him we were going to buy Lars a cake. He said "But Mom, can't we make him a cake in a shape, like a robot or something?" haha...I decided to take a break from making a cake this year and get him a Cold Stone ice cream cake this year and it was so good!
Gunnar said "Well then I'm going to put my Ninjago guys on it then!" but he forgot :)
Lars never wants me to get him anything...he just wants to be able to do things, so he went to Wendover last weekend and stayed a night with a couple friends and got to play a lot of poker. It snowed so much while he was gone and on his way took him  about 5 1/2 hours!
Happy Birthday Hunnie!
We love you :)
Oh and Gunnar picked out this hilarious card for him...when you open it, the guy says "Ah...MY BACK...I gotta lay down!" Which is a classic Lars move..haha :)