Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cute preschool stuff...

I've been meaning to post these few pictures from a couple weeks ago when Ashton's preschool class was learning about baby chicks and got to have a couple in their class for the week. First they got to see the eggs under the lights...

...then when they went back a couple days later they got to see (and hold) the cute new little chicks after they had hatched. It was Tallie's day to drive Ashton and Jace so she went in and got a few pictures of them. Thanks Tal!

Especially for this one...

I love it!!!

Both the look on Ashton's face and on the poor little chick's whose head looks like it's about to be popped off! Too funny!

Yesterday when it was my turn to pick them up, they were so excited because they'd made these cute stick horses. They rode them all around the garage when we got home (since it was so rainy outside!)

They sure get to do some fun stuff at their little school!


Cassidy said...

so cute!!! He is so handsome. you are going to have trouble.

Tallie Geddes said...

Hee, hee, hee!! I can't help but smile!

Angie said...

How fun! Isn't it great to see their excitement over the things they get to experience and learn! Hope you are enjoying the much nicer, sunny weather we are having...