Monday, July 21, 2008

Thoughts for the day...

I'm still not getting much sleep...and still hoping that Gunnar will start sleeping through the night any time now. But on the other hand it's such an awesome thing that he is so dependent on just me that I try to not let it bother me too much each time I get up with him at night. I just stare at him wanting him to stay this little forever... I always have this sense of time slipping away from me while the boys are little. I have to remind myself that there's nothing I can do to stop it. I just have to enjoy it while I can. I can't believe that almost 4 months have already passed since Gunnar was born. It's so hard to keep up with the house these days, but I'm trying to not let it bother me when all of the dishes, and laundry aren't caught up on. Yes it drives me crazy, but this saying is constantly going through my mind...

"Cleaning and Scrubbing can wait till tomorrow, for babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep. I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."

My Mom has this hanging on her wall, so I've always had it memorized, but now that I have kids it really means something to me and I try to remember that I can clean my house any day, but I'll never get these precious baby moments back. I'm trying to treasure each day with Ashton and Gunnar...their fun little stages go by so fast.
Gunnar's new thing is putting his little hands together and just staring at them, like he's just realized that he has them, then he chews and chews on them. It's too cute! Oh and he's definitely found his voice...and it's LOUD. He really squeals now!

And the past few days Ashton has been playing non-stop with a little fly box that Lars gave him filled with flies (for fly-fishing). He takes them out and puts them back in and rearranges them and tells me he's organizing them for when Daddy takes him fly-fishing. All the while wearing his spiderman pajamas (that yes he earned back after the Walmart fiasco). He won't take them off! He doesn't even want to go play outside because he knows I'll make him put real clothes on! Oh well...I'm choosing to not fight that battle.


Angie said...

Jessica & Jeremy: Arianna and I just got done looking at the "fun" pictures! We like the bugs! We also love little Gunnar in his bath tub! We sure look forward to looking at these often!
Love you guys
Angie and Ari

Lindee said...

ok, i've been in your house a few times, some without warning, and i have never seen a dish in your sink or a pillow out of place or a single smudge anywhere. i don't know how you do it my friend.

fourballerinas said...

Thanks for your reminder about how fast these days slip by and the "little" is all gone and they are all grown up. You just have to try and enjoy all the little moments because all too soon they'll be off at school and all grown up. I have to agree with the last girl that commented- I came without warning in June and there is nothing ever out of place. You are the most amazing organizer/cleaner I know. Good thing Brady wasn't with me, he'd be complaining at my lack of "keeping it all together". I also LOVED the fly box story. That is so cute. It makes me wish Brady had a boy (only for a second- because I LOVE having girls- maybe next time).